Change Management Support
Technology and supply chain best practices are nowadays evolving a speed never seen before. Keeping the organization up to date with the latest evolution represents a great challenge; if the change is not managed properly it can create a significant level of stress in the organization or simply collapse.
In our whitepaper “Sustainable Change Management: Overcoming psychological barriers through blended experiential learning” we describe a real project to support a major change management initiative in a global leader in the watch making industry. Click here if you want to know more.
The failure of many change management programs can be attributed to two basic root causes:
the lack of consistency in the approach to change
the use of inappropriate employee engagement practices underestimating the resistance to change.
At IPros, we propose a proven tailor-made approach built on three fundamental pillars: ​
The HTO Concept
Change management programs typically involve transformations in the organization’s structure, operating system and human capabilities. It is therefore fundamental to consider at the same time the Human, Technological and Organizational aspects (HTO). The HTO concept is a systems perspective, which simultaneously considers the individual, organizational, and technological aspects of a situation.
The Human aspect is often underestimated, whereas the organization’s staff is the instrument and the most important tool for a successful and sustainable change. Therefore, paying careful attention to employee engagement has a strong impact on a coherent and successful change management implementation.
The systematic and careful use of the HTO concept adds significant value to the design and management of challenging organizational changes.
The usage of digital simulations
The adoption of digital modeling is a valuable approach to drive training and to support change management through experiential learning. The main advantages of using digital simulation in change management are:
Help break-down psychological barriers by placing participants in their usual real-world situations
Enable communication and feedback sharing, enhancing the learning experience.
Quickly deliver relevant information through user-friendly and personalized systems
Create a sense of community and teamwork needed to succeed in a transformation.
We use our proprietary simulation platform D-OPT to build customized, simple but realistic models of the company’s supply chain and operating system. This allows the participants to question current practices and test new alternatives in a familiar environment, thereby alleviating their resistance to change.
The development of pedagogical scenarios:
The success of a training or change management program is strongly dependent on the configuration and relevance of the applied pedagogical scenario. Based on our extensive experience in this field, we develop tailor-made pedagogical scenarios targeted at fulfilling the company objectives, with a progressive training process designed to meet five objectives:
Create awareness about the status quo
Generate consciousness about the weaknesses the status quo
Spark thinking about more efficient ways of working
Assimilate the advantages of the new ways of working
Strengthen the readiness for change, breaking-down the psychological barriers and increasing the motivation for effective and speedy change implementation.