Demand Driven Education
Traditional planning and managing methods fall short under the current business environment. Major changes in the way we plan and manage our Supply Chains are now becoming mandatory.
We help your organization navigate the transition. We adhere to strict standards pertaining to the education, training and implementation of Demand Driven MRP and the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise Model.
Investing in people’s ability to understand the Demand Driven methodology is the critical enabler of success. It is the first and the most important step towards breaking organizational silos, changing people mindset and starting the transformation journey.
As an affiliate of the Demand Driven Institute, we can propose the two flagship education programs:
Demand Driven Planner (DDP)
In just few years the Demand Driven Planner (DDP) program from the Demand Driven Institute (DDI) has become one of the 10 most important Planning program in the world (source: GARTNER Market Guide for Supply Chain Planning Certification Programs).
The DDP program provides the fundamental knowledge to prepare Supply Chain and Manufacturing organizations to transit from MRP to DDMRP.
The program is the official course, which prepares candidates for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP) certification by the DDI.
DDP Target Audience
Demand and Supply Planning personnel
Purchasing personnel
Supply Chain personnel
Plant Managers
IT managers
Production and process engineers involved in the implementation of ERP and/or MRP systems
Demand Driven Leader (DDL)
The Demand Driven Leader (DDL)™ Program equips senior management with the ability to design, implement and sustain a Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) including parameter settings through Demand Driven S&OP (DDS&OP).
Designed by the leading authorities at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Leader™ Program is comprised of 7 modules of in-depth Demand Driven education.
The program is the official course, which prepares candidates for the Demand Driven Leader Professional (DDLP) certification by the DDI.
DDL Target Audience
Sales & Operations Management
Finance and Control Managers and their teams
Directors of Operations and their teams
Supply Chain Managers and their teams
Plant Managers and their teams